Sunday 4 November 2007

Jackson And Blomkamp Start New Project

I am a big fan of Peter Jackson i personlay think he is one of the gretest dirctors around at the moment Lord of the Rings is one of my favorite films and he did a brilliant job with the remake of King Kong. Now the news here is that Jackson & Blomkemp will be starting a new project. Now there first project was going to be the adaptation of the vidio game Halo which the studios backed down from saying that the budget was exceding 200 million dollars. And a few weeks ago Blomkemp himself came out and said that Halo is dead and that it is not happing. That news saddend me a bit as i think with Jackon as the producer we could have had are first good computer game adaptation. News is now that Jackson and Blomkemp are working on a new project called District 19 which will be a Sci-Fi film alot like Halo then. The film will be shooting in south Africa however there are no plot details of yet. This news is interesting i would rather see them both trying to get Halo back on track but as Blomkemp has not directed a film yet maybe this film will show how good or how bad he is as a director hopefuly good as jackon seems to have alot to say about him if it turns out good then Halo might be coming some time after

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